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Home » Resources » Just For Fun » Just for Fun – Student Jokes

Just for Fun – Student Jokes

On occasion, student’s will send in jokes that are pretty good. So when this one came in from Michelle Simms, we wanted to make sure it was shared with everyone! Read it below:

What do great affordable contractors have in common with UFOs?

You always hear stories about them, but no one you know has actually seen one!

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8 Responses to Just for Fun – Student Jokes

  1. Jeremy Fishnick says:

    What 3 keys don’t open a door?

    Turkey,monkey and donkey

  2. Samuel Peters says:

    Hahhaha!!!LOL!!!!… That’s funny thanks for making me laugh!!!!

  3. Clayton Eatmon says:

    That’s way good affordable contractors are unidentified objects right

  4. Donna Smith says:

    I like it. Now that there is COVid, prices are even higher. Haven’t seen any UFOs lately either.

  5. Robert Straker says:


    Thanks for the joke, it made me laugh! Yes, contractors can be a lot like UFO’s. I know of one who comes in early mornings to his sites, works a few hours, then goes of to his weekly job at a retail store.

    Bye for now,

  6. Robert Straker says:


    I have a few jokes to tell you, and I am glad to share one of them. Here it is:
    What do you call a detective who is also a real estate agent? Sherlock Homes.

    Bye for now,

  7. Righteous Allah says:

    Pun of the day!

    I told my Realtor I wanted a house with a basement, she replied: “that’s a deep request”.

  8. Robert Straker says:

    Hey Righteous Allah,
    Great joke! Do you have any more like that to share with us? I want to read more of them.

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