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Home » Resources » Articles And Reports » The Gold Club Weekly Report » “Knowledge is Control” by David LeGrand

“Knowledge is Control” by David LeGrand

Ripped Off

Have you ever been ripped off by an auto repairman because you know little to nothing about automobiles?

Have you ever lost money on a deal because you didn’t know the value of a house?

Have you ever been intimidated by a policeman because you didn’t know the law?

Does IRS scare you because you don’t know all the rules?

Did your last marriage fail because you lack the social skills for a good relationship?

Are you in constant fear because you don’t really know how to buy or sell a house?

Are you afraid to die because you’re not sure if you will go to heaven or not?

Who is Persuading Who?

The bottom line of all these questions is the same; do you know enough to be in control of your life, or, are you running scared because of what you don’t know? Every time you are speaking with another person, either that person is persuading you or you are persuading him/her. The person doing the persuading is the one who has the most knowledge in that given situation. Obviously, who is in control?

No Excuse for Ignorance

But David, I can’t know everything! Nobody said you had to know everything. But at least you ought to know what affects your life and business every day of your life. I have been appalled through the years going from business to business trying to deal with people who shouldn’t even be in business because they don’t have the slightest idea what they are doing from day to day.

Years ago I walked into the kitchen center of a store and ask two male clerks where the French bean cutter was located. They laughed at me, so ask for the manager. He pointed to the shelf right behind the two clerks where it was located. Clearly, they never heard of a French bean cutter. Pure ignorance!

We have Google, books, CD’s, DVD’s, a school on every corner in America, and Ron LeGrand. Any subject under the sun can be learned, and learned well in this great country we live in today. There is absolutely no excuse for ignorance.

On February 8 I walked into a College classroom and asked 54 students how many of them were A students. About a fourth of them raised their hands.

I then ask “Why are you not all A students?” A fellow raised his hand and said,

“We are just being honest.” I pointed to a student on the front row and ask, “Are they being honest?” He replied, “No, they are just being lazy.” How true. And that would be the only excuse if you are not in control of YOUR life. By the way, I heard once that “an excuse is the skin of a reason stuffed with a lie”.

I Just Do Not Have Time to Learn

Last time I checked, everyone has the same 24 hours in a day.

“I don’t have time” means “I chose to do something else.” I know for a fact that if you kept a log of your activities in a given week you would be amazed, no, actually appalled, how much time you waste in a given week. Therefore:

If you always do,

What you’ve always done;

You will always get,

What you always got.

So if you are out of control, at least don’t blame your spouse, luck, society or God. Get the facts man, get the facts!

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9 Responses to “Knowledge is Control” by David LeGrand

  1. Virginia Robertson says:

    Wow, thanks for the words of wisdom and truth. No Excuses!!
    Ginny Robertson
    Las Cruces, NM

  2. Todd Smith says:

    Truer words have never been spoken. Log you time usage. I challenge all. It is a true eye opener!

  3. DENISE RUSH says:

    Knowledge is power!

  4. Sylvester Griffin says:

    great article….got me off the couch.

  5. Sharon Collins says:

    Great advice. The real truth for most of us we are on information overload. Too much information, too many shiny objects, and then we loose focus of doing one thing well.

  6. Albert Bogdanowitsch says:

    Knowledge is power esp. followed with effective Action (TEA)

    Albert Bogdanowitsch

  7. John Rogers says:

    Yes, we all have the same 24 hours a day. It is an excuse to say “I dont have time”. We need to realize we choose our priorities on how we use and/or misuse our time. Thanks for the reminder.

  8. Rebecca Negrete says:

    Too True! Gotta get out of your comfort zone and Take Action!

  9. Ron Caruthers says:

    Great article, David. And a great suggestion from @Todd Smith.

    Really enjoyed this.

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