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Home » Resources » Articles And Reports » Instructions for Submitting Leads to Virtual Summit

Instructions for Submitting Leads to Virtual Summit

My staff and I switched gears quickly to transition the Live event into the Virtual event and are very excited to report our speakers were more than happy to accommodate us in bringing their training to you during this unprecedented time.

In case you haven’t already registered,
Sign up below, and find out more. The dates are April 1st – 3rd, that’s next Wednesday – Friday.


We’ve also incorporated a process to hold our coveted deal room virtually and will be processing your leads you send to us. Watch this short video to see how it will work:

  • You will email your YES leads to vasupport@globalpublishinginc.com ASAP!
  • Our VAs will set up to 5 appointments for you on leads you send in. At your designated appointment time, you’ll conference call the seller with one of my Mentors and listen as my Mentor follows my scripts to get the information we need to determine if it’s a potential deal or not.
  • My team of VAs will organize your leads and set up your “Virtual Deal Room” appointment time as well on deals that will go to Ron on the Virtual event for him to discuss and go over with you. You’ll be in the Virtual HOT Seat!
  • If you do not currently have our VA service and would like to get a VA, go to RonsVA.com.

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2 Responses to Instructions for Submitting Leads to Virtual Summit

  1. Kenneth Davis says:

    do we email the lead sheet or the excel doc with the yes lead?

  2. Michael Basden says:

    Good Evening and hope all is well, I have a lead of a hotel buyer which would like to sell hotel, as I’ve talked to him, I’ve found out he is part owner of the hotel and his family own this business, the price he gave me is open, he’s starting price is 2.9 million, hotel is located in Hallettsville Texas beside Pizza Hut, this hotel has a rating on Customer Service of 9.8 from clients, I’ve seen the inside and outside of hotel, so I’m trying to get my money on, I’m taking care of my brother he is a Veteran and has to take Dialysis three times out of a week, I’m available most time on Tuesday and Thursday, I’m in this to be able to see my family live a better life, now here is the Partner Owner name Chet Patel he can be reached at 832-228-7630, and I can be reached at 361-217-8453, I’m not about to pay for anything else until I see some results Ron… Thank you… Have a bless day, sometime you invest in your students and God will bless you back, You know this Ron…

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