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Home » Resources » Articles And Reports » “On the Road Again” by Nicky Bialik

“On the Road Again” by Nicky Bialik

(I recently asked Nicky to give us a little insight into life on the road with Ron.  She spends more time with him than probably even his family.  And, even though they covered thousands of miles traveling all over the U.S. in 2013, 2014 is booked even tighter!  So, be sure to check the events calendar and register to see Ron and Nicky in a city near you this year.)

As I flipped the pages in my planner to 2014, I took a moment to reflect on 2013.

Wow! The travels Ron and I had experienced:

Orlando, Orlando again, Cincinnati, Grand Rapids, Orlando again, Cincinnati again, Houston, Houston again, Atlanta, Atlanta again, Baltimore, Dallas, Baltimore again, Las Vegas, Minneapolis, San Jose, CA; Minneapolis again, Kansas City, Gatlinburg, Chicago, Seattle, Mason, OH; Seattle again

This doesn’t even include all the events we held in Jacksonville!

You might be thinking “how does she keep up that pace?”  I have perfected the ability to sleep on planes and walk quickly through airports. The icing on the cake for me is having the opportunity to meet all of you.  I sincerely mean it, I’ve met the most interesting and kind people through my travels with Ron.

You also might be thinking “that’s a lot of time spent with Ron LeGrand, lucky her (or not).”  You’re correct, that is a lot of time spent with the Guru.  Do you picture us sitting in an airport waiting for a delayed flight and just having a good time chatting?  I hate to burst your bubble, but that’s most definitely not the case.  We do not chit-chat, he’s usually working on his iPad, and I’m usually reading a book, but I DO have some “Ron LeGrand” stories to tell…oh do I ever…

Like the time we were flying home from Cincinnati and Ron…

Or when we were on his small private plane and the plane…

Or the time we were stuck in Boston and Ron wanted me to…

As you may or may not know, Ron has given me permission to tell all these stories and then some to all of you.   Not sure he really knows what he’s in for, but he did select me as one of the staff who gets to “Roast” him at our Great American Real Estate Summit 2014 this coming September 3-7 in Orlando.

Now, I need all you there to back me up when I reveal all these secret stories about Ron.  He does quite often say he could replace me with a Virtual Assistant, so I need you there to tell him “keep Nicky around.”

Of course, the Summit is packed with a whole bunch of great information and there will be an abundance of “Deal” opportunities for you.  And, I know from experience how much you all love that.

Just so you can see I’m right, you’ll need to make sure you attend!  Call 800-567-6128 and tell them Nicky told you to come!

I’m counting on you being there!

I hope to see you all in 2014,


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2 Responses to “On the Road Again” by Nicky Bialik

  1. Court Robertson says:

    Fun reading!

  2. Tom Holyfield says:

    ‘m counting on being there!

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