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Home » Resources » Ask Ron - Q&A sessions with Ron » Ask Ron 2014-11-07

Ask Ron 2014-11-07

This week, we’re taking a look at Yellow Letters, IRAs and more! When a student wrote in to say his yellow letters were being sent out with trusts instead of names on them, Ron fixed him right up. Ron also goes through an example deal of what he’d do with an over leveraged house using his new terms system.

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Find out more about Ron’s Terms 2-Day Training.

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6 Responses to Ask Ron 2014-11-07

  1. Darren Dixie says:

    great video. thanks ron.

  2. Tom Holyfield says:

    quite a match!

  3. Ron Caruthers says:

    Hah! I knew that sending the letters to a trust was screwing up my response rates! thank you for answering the question. I will definitely try that resource. I had never heard of the yellow letter lady at all before.

  4. Paul Brennan says:

    the yellow letter lady .com thanks for the tip.

  5. Richard Couch says:

    ExSELLent Ron and the Wolf pack an unbeatable team..just amazing.


    Awesome question Ron C. I was wondering the same thing about expired listings. So i guess you would leave their name off of the letter, the put “To The Resident Of” on the envelope where the name would go?

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