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Home » Resources » Ask Ron - Q&A sessions with Ron » Ask Ron 2015-07-24

Ask Ron 2015-07-24

We’re discussing agreements, bank loans and more in this week’s information-packed Ask Ron.

When student David Milano from California wrote in about the short form lease agreement, he wanted to know how to decide how much of the monthly rent will be credited to the buyer. Good question, David! Find out the answer in this week’s video.

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5 Responses to Ask Ron 2015-07-24

  1. Harold Hammond says:

    Thanks Ron. Good questions, good answers.

  2. Loren Witringer says:

    On the last question… As I am new and learning all of this but I would think that if foreclosure has not begun and the loan is just behind, then I guess you would determine if you would be willing or able to bring current the payments through the sale or lease and how much down you could get. Depending on that market, the down you get might not be enough to satisfy what you would make after bringing the loan current. Although it just might be… I guess the form depends on how you are buying the house… Someone correct me if I am wrong please.

    • Chris Montgomery says:

      It looks like that you may have leverage for getting the house for what they owe, because the loan is not current. I guess it would depend on how many months they are behind and if there is any equity built in to the deal

  3. Ted Peterson says:

    Awesome! Thanks Ron and Elliott!

  4. Shay Lance says:

    Great info even tho Ron didn’t get all the info he needed to help he still pulled the rabbit out of the hat with some jewels of info. Tx Ron.

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