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Home » Resources » Articles And Reports » “Cowbell & Raffle Barrel = Big Responsibility” By: Christy King

“Cowbell & Raffle Barrel = Big Responsibility” By: Christy King

Cowbell & Raffle Barrel = Big Responsibility

I have to say I was honored when I was asked to help with Ron’s 2016 Summit and just couldn’t wait to see what my responsibilities would be. Since I work from the boat every day, I pretty much live in yoga pants and flip flops, talk on my phone and send emails all day every day. The thought of real interaction with people and big time responsibilities was a thrill!  When I received the email that said I would need to attend a staff meeting I got myself all dressed up and took off with my day timer ready to take notes. Jennifer started with a handout that listed everyone’s duties, I scrolled through it as fast as I could to see what important things they needed me to do and there it was …

Christy King – Cowbell – Raffle Drawing – Registration

During the course of the meeting, Ron decided someone should offer a morning exercise before the event and I got assigned that as well, As If I didn’t have enough pressure on my plate!!

Off to the Summit I go…

Talk about positive energy ~ great networking & helpful tips, I love these events!

Spent a little time talking with Jamie Nichols from PatLive since they are a huge help with taking the calls for yellow letters. I asked her if she could think of anything that could be done to improve the process and she said it’s a good idea to set up a separate email just for your leads, don’t use it for anything else. Since these are real time emails I think it’s also a great at a glance way for you to track response & follow up quickly. They send a free weekly report as well, but you have to request it so make sure you ask for it and always let your VA know that you are dropping letters. Ron’s VA service worked hard prior to the event to make sure 248 property information sheets were completed and submitted to the deal room.

Joy Joyner and all the mentors did a fabulous job in the Deal Room ~ $2,483,760.00 in deals negotiated in the room! Have you talked with Joy? She is so sweet and takes such good care of the mentoring students!

Lance Edwards said, “The amount of live deal making is incredible. Deals are being structured with actual sellers – live and on stage! It’s a truly amazing Summit – only possible by the master, Ron LeGrand”

Some of the mentors had this to say about the event:

“It’s always great to be around such a thrilling atmosphere!  It’s a wonderful combination of the drive of the students, the powerful information from the speakers, the closing skills of the Mentors (on the students’ deals!), all the great entertainment and prizes, and the amazing event-staging abilities of Jennifer Shedlin and the fantastic Global Publishing Gang!  On top of it all, the entire 5 days is presided over by the Master himself, the incredible Ron LeGrand!  It’s so fun and exciting to watch investors’ lives change right before your eyes! “Christy King rang the best cowbell we’ve ever heard and we’ve heard a lot of cowbells ~ AMAZING TALENT (okay, they didn’t say that but it is my article!)

Enjoyed being handed thousands of dollars every morning after our walk … Why can’t every day start out that way?!!

Congratulations to the 10 Cash winners ~ total of $ 10,000.00 given away from the red ticket raffle barrel!

Of course my favorite part was getting to see all my customers and meet some new ones! I’m so lucky to work for such awesome people and it’s always a pleasure to see you all! Thank you for your business and your kindness from the bottom of my heart. A bunch of love to Boomer for working my booth and to Kristyn Patterson for creating the banners for the booth ~ nice job!


Peace & Love,

Your Yellow Letter Lady

For more information regarding the Yellow Letter Lady please visit http://yellowletterlady.com  or call  Christy: 904-571-9363

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One Response to “Cowbell & Raffle Barrel = Big Responsibility” By: Christy King

  1. Regina Brown says:

    I just started with Ron at the end of February so I missed the Summit but I will not miss the Las Vegas Summit in June. I heard Daytona was a Blast. So look out Vegas here I come.

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