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Home » Resources » Planet Ron » Planet Ron

Planet Ron

Check out Ron relaxing with his students at QSRES in Chicago!  This was one action-packed, four full-days event!

Here’s what Dale Iurillo of Chicago had to say!  “I am 50 years old and a 22 year Veteran of the Chicago Heights, Illinois, Fire Department.  My wife and I currently have three single family rental houses that we have owned since 2003.  We purchased our properties the wrong way, using our own credit and bank financing.  I was introduced to Ron LeGrand over a year and a half ago.  I was immediately attracted to his honest, simple and down to earth approach to educating investors to becoming successful.

Ron is the Grand Master of educators and is continuously refining this techniques and approaches to successfully purchasing real estate in our ever-changing economy!

The four-day quick turn real estate investing seminar I attended in Chicago has truly been enlightening for me and a wake-up call.  The fear of failure has been replaced with the excitement and acknowledgment that I cannot only do this business, but also, I can and will be successful.  I owe that to Ron LeGrand and all his staff at Global Publishing Company.  Thank You, Ron LeGrand!  And, I will be sure to tell my wife to include you on our Christmas card list!”

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6 Responses to Planet Ron

  1. Mitch Hell says:

    lov this pic!!

  2. KJ Roberts says:


  3. Michael Minnihan says:

    I was on the livestream of Ron’s QSRES in Chicago.

    The livestream was even better than being there because I didn’t have all the distractions around me.

    I was much more focused as a result.

  4. Matthew Hell says:

    This picture looks like it was taken in the tropics. Thats a framable picture. I cant wait till I’m in one of the pics.

  5. Matthew Hell says:

    Chicago is so nice to have a school session. Looks like the weather was nice too?

  6. Kobenan Abissa says:

    That was long time ago. We can’t wait to see you again in Chicago Ron.

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