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Home » Training » Business Management » Lesson 08 – Business Management Training – To Whom Are You Listening?

Lesson 08 – Business Management Training – To Whom Are You Listening?

In this lesson, Ron encourages you to listen to the right people and stay away from the downers!

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87 Responses to Lesson 08 – Business Management Training – To Whom Are You Listening?

  1. Scott Burton says:

    wow, i definitely need to find the right people, pleanty of downers out there.

  2. Jane Stoecker says:

    You are so right Ron. Between the internet, email, webinars, email blasts from other RE “experts” (95% are not) and the everyday friends you can become so lost and this leads to indecisiveness and procrastination. It makes you second guess yourself and seem insecure. Thanks for this business management series that really packs a lot of useful info and touches on valid roadblocks we all experience

    • Arthur Hardy says:

      I agree with Jane. There are a lot of “teachers” who dont currently or have never practiced what they preach.

  3. Alan Witte says:

    Very good information! Most people are like that so the sooner a person learns to Whack-Em the better!

  4. Todd Rolland says:

    Love the ronism…”Hang around with people that know more than you. Hang around with people that make more than you.”

    • Arthur Hardy says:

      ”Hang around with people that know more than you. Hang around with people that make more than you.” should be Ron’s next t-shirt!

  5. Bill De Martin says:

    Thanks Ron. I like the part about what happens when you start internalizing the garbage!

  6. Cres Mandujano says:

    Thanks Ron.Very good information

  7. William Allen says:

    “…not bringing home the bacon, just belching baloney…” LOL Now that’s funny. Ron, keep up the flow of good information.

    • Arthur Hardy says:

      I have to admit I used “belching baloney” line in a conversation recently. I need to go back and give Ron credit for that line!

  8. Jeff Clayton says:

    “the whole world is full of crap” Ron you’ve got a way with words…and you’re absolutely right.

  9. Heather Olson says:

    Ron is the originator of all of my favourite sayings!

  10. Tracy Day says:

    Great info.

  11. Sandra Kenney says:

    Very good info! Thanks! Ron

  12. Mr. Ross says:

    Ronism’s save the day again

  13. James Noullet says:

    Good video!

  14. Dwayne Graves says:

    That makes sense. You have to listen to people that are where you’re trying to go. You don’t take flying lessons from a bus driver.

  15. John Rogers says:

    Good story about your friend who tried to kill your real estate dreams. We need to learn to listen to those who know what they are talking about concerning real estate. Professionals on your team, your CPA and attorney, are not those you need to listen to for advice about business. Thanks for the advise. I think I will listen to YOU.

    • Arthur Hardy says:

      John I would slightly disagree with you in that the PROS on your team need to be in step with your goals. They shouldn’t be advising you on business they don’t have expertise in nor advise on assumptions. IE your CPA isn’t the PRO to give you advise on how much a homes ARV is going to be for marketing.

  16. Jeff Clayton says:

    Does anyone else besides me find themselves saying the word “crap” more often since joining Ron’s GC ? I laugh and think of him everytime I find myself saying it.

    Ron has made “crap” mainstream, at least amongst his loyal followers.

    And, he’s right, there’s so much crap out there from people who don’t want you to succeed.

  17. Arthur Hardy says:

    listen to the right people and stay away from the downers is right!

  18. Cheryl Brozovic says:

    so far my favorite vid in this series – smiling from ear to ear…no bozos(neg people) lol thank you Ron!

    • Arthur Hardy says:

      @ Cheryl Brozovic i just love that attitude Cheryl no bozos(neg people) allowed No matter what you are working on keeping them out will make it better

  19. Mike Minnihan says:

    Are you listening to broke people?


    Listen to people making more than you are.

    • Arthur Hardy says:

      @ Mike Minnihan this a very important point Mike is making and i hope everyone here got it If you are listening to broke people ask yourself why? Listen to people doing what you want to do.

    • Donna Smith says:

      I agree M Minn (5:12am) D Smith

  20. Sharon Collins says:

    You have to put blinders on for most people out there. Save your idea’s and opinions in speaking to people until you have checks to back up your investing. That way you avoid the naysayers.

    • Arthur Hardy says:

      @ Sharon Collins the idea of putting blinders on for most people out there is spot on Sharon Save your idea’s and opinions in speaking to people until you have shut up checks and move on

  21. Sharon Collins says:

    It is funny how people that don’t make any money love to share how all of this stuff is a scam. The people making money are to busy to offer such opinions and have to be probed to give you such ideals.

    • Arthur Hardy says:

      @ Sharon Collins you are so right Sharon it is funny how people that don’t make any money love to share how all of this stuff is a scam and tell you why it never works

  22. Debbie Magar says:

    My husband is a non believer even tho we have a few rentals that we purchased years ago when banks were lending but I am anxious to try new way, with or without him, probably (definitely) without until show him my first shut up check

    • Debbie says:

      Good for you, Debbie! When you get that check, send me a copy so I can run it in the Weekly Report!

    • Arthur Hardy says:

      @ Debbie Magar i am sorry your husband is not on board yet especially since you have a few rentals you purchased years ago I hope when you show him a shut up check he gets your back

    • Donna Smith says:

      Go Debbie!! Go Debbie!! qqqq music notes

      D Smith 4/26/22

  23. Juditha Rounseville says:

    Great Debbie Magar, I thought I am the only one who have a husband that is a non believer..
    I need a shut up check asap , my husband is a negative and fearful person..

    I will get it my SHUT UP CHECK very soon!! Thank you Ron..

  24. Faith Szafranski says:

    Love, love, love these videos. Thank you RON! I am kicking myself that I didn’t attend the Business Management boot camp a couple weeks ago, but definitely looking forward to going next June!

  25. Tom Holyfield says:

    Own the Downers.

  26. Rick Farmer jr says:

    Great Video!

  27. Karri Lewis says:

    I’ve decided not to tell anyone about what I’m doing except for my hubby and children, until I get my first shut-up check…problem solved!

  28. William Clark says:

    Working to surround myself with the successful people in this business. I have quite a few naysayers around me, but they’ve been biting their lip (or so it seems) since I’m pretty outspoken about just giving it an honest try without forming an inaccurate conclusion prematurely.

  29. Harold Morgan says:

    I have several real estate professionals that are my down failure. Now that I have found Ron I have started changing the type of people I surrounded my self with.

  30. Richard Moxley says:

    I am really enjoying this series of lectures.

    Thanks Ron.

  31. Paul Brennan says:

    wow, i definitely need to find the right people to listen to plenty of Dream Sealers out there. & Boy I Loved What You Said About Attorney’s . The Golf Story [Funny]

  32. Paul Brennan says:

    Thanks for this business management series that really packs a lot of useful info and touches on valid roadblocks we all experience.

  33. Roger Young says:

    Thanks for offering this.

    Really great material. Again, THANK YOU!

  34. John Herrera says:

    I need to listen to this every now and then…

  35. Orville Smith says:

    Very good lesson! I love to hang around positive people…it helps me stay more positive! Thanks, Ron! Your lessons are helping me tremendously. I appreciate your easy teaching style.

  36. Jeff Wiresinger says:

    You need to get five GREAT NEW people to hang around with or new books to read

  37. Brad Addis says:

    Confidence can be easily destroyed by negativity. Find people with positive views on business to confide in. Mentoring can be with listening to leadership coaches or someone that has “been there/ done that.” by looking for the good in others you will begin to find it in yourself.

    • Karen Ann Fuentes says:

      I second the motion! Well said. Confidence, to me, is a work in progress for me, will have to take it step by step, one step at a time.

  38. Karen Ann Fuentes says:

    This lesson is so spot on. I have just started learning about real estate investing and got signed up for the Gold Club recently. I was so excited that I couldn’t contain it–I just had to share it with a friend who I thought would encourage me continue about it. He tells me how bad the market is and how time consuming what I am trying to do and how I would just be wasting my time. I will have to admit I almost believed it. So I had to go back and really listen and learn from Ron–to make sure that negativity is wiped off my mind!!! But the good news is, I am just glad I am so determined to change my life that that simple discouragement won’t let me down.

  39. Ijaz Mirza says:

    What are you putting in your mind.

  40. Regina Brown says:

    Ron you are spot on. Misery loves company. Loose lips sink ships.

  41. Niko Anagnostopoulos says:

    Make sure to feed the right wolf!

  42. Aaron Anderson says:

    You need to be VERY conscious of the naysayers in life!!!

    I like the point of doing some networking to grow your circle of influence!

    Thanks for the reminder!

  43. Cesar Torres says:

    You definitely need to get negative people out of your life, at least go join the REA group. They are a group of business-minded individuals they are not sitting in front of the TV all afternoon.

  44. Brian Brown says:

    They say “you are the sum of the 5 people you spend the most time with”

  45. Fernando Diaz says:

    must listen to ron

  46. KL / AFI says:

    This is very important, and some of this is missing, in most people’s approach, not just the nuts and bots of Real Estate, but what Ron is talking about as well!

  47. Julieann Bennett says:

    This is so true you sure say it like it is Ron.

  48. Mark Hershberger says:

    Never take advice from someone who is as broke as you. Opinons are not earned advice. Thanks Ron!

  49. Leo Candido says:

    From Ron: “Go sponsor YOURSELF”.
    What a great advise!

  50. Devorah Sullivan says:

    Like Ron said the whole world is full of bullcrap :)!! Yeah sponsor yourself makes you accountable.

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