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Home » Training » Commercial Property » Lesson 12 – How to Become a Developer with No Prior Training

Lesson 12 – How to Become a Developer with No Prior Training

In Lesson 12 of the Commercial Property Training series, Ron teaches you the steps in becoming a developer through his three step training. No prior experience is needed, and any forms you need are on the Gold Club forum.

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58 Responses to Lesson 12 – How to Become a Developer with No Prior Training

  1. Jeff Clayton says:

    Holy Cow….I think I could work on at least 4 of these at one time. Of course, the acid test is whether builders are buying nowadays. With the emergence of the economy from the slump this would be great timing…..thanks, Ron.

  2. Taj Mohamed says:

    This is great stuff! About how long has the entire process taken for Ron until he gets the final profit check– on avg.

  3. Joe Antonuccio says:

    Would like to go to the next meeting.

  4. Heather Olson Michael Bolan says:

    WOW – sounds so easy! Why haven’t we already developed the properties we own?? How motivating!

  5. Mr. Ross says:

    Found my next challange

  6. Stanley Chambers says:

    This info is great! I think of it as another profit center in my business. Thanks, Ron.

  7. Mr. Ross says:

    he keep giving us new revenue streams

  8. James Noullet says:

    possibly another income stream.

  9. Edward Haberthur says:

    I am loving the training Ron,

  10. John Rogers says:

    Thanks for the info. Maybe something I can do after I dry the wet behind my ears first.

  11. Todd Smith says:

    Thanks Ron, I love this idea!

  12. Tracy Day says:

    Great info,thanks Ron.

  13. Cheryl Brozovic says:

    Innovative – thank you Ron!

  14. Brit Vega says:

    Hmm, never thought about it that way. Thanks.

  15. Sharon Collins says:

    Wow, blown away!!

  16. Sharon Collins says:

    It is so awesome to think about things a new way.

  17. Sharon Collins says:

    I am so ready to get started on this…

  18. Matthew Hell says:

    You go after it Sharon. Ron is always motivating to me as well

  19. Christy Nguyen says:

    Hi Ron
    Do you recommend doing this with organizations? I know some sellers like that but haven’t propose to them.I think the only down size is that they have so many board members and committee to approve everything…What do you think?

  20. Monica Garcia says:

    This commercial training has me salivating! I dont see any itineraries for commerical training. Will there be any anytime soon?

  21. Tom Holyfield says:

    Good Stuff, Maynard!!

  22. Chuck Powell says:

    Good Info..

  23. Darren Dixie says:

    this is a dream of mine. I guess i haven’t gauged how long it takes to get the big payday. thanks ron

  24. Paul Brennan says:

    Sounds So Easy,But What Do The Say About, If It Sounds To Good To Be True! I Would Like To Know More.

  25. Paul Brennan says:

    I Would Not Want To Do More Than One Of These At A Time.

  26. Richard Couch says:

    ExSELLent Work again Ron…this again is something that can be done…..learn it and do it!

  27. Brian Chilcote says:

    I’m seeing dollar signs folks! $,$$$,$$$

  28. Joel Hafoka says:

    This is AWESOME stuff!!! Can’t wait to get started! Thanks Ron for the great information. Is this training coming up anytime soon?

  29. Greg Morris says:

    I am so ready to get started!! Thanksfor the great information.

  30. Jean Greer says:

    Great information! I think Ron have the best commercial training out there. Thanks Ron!

  31. Chyanne Ford says:

    Will Ron be giving anymore seminars on commercial property?

  32. Samantha Miller says:

    I know in the videos I have seen ron explains to find a broker to list and sell all cash, once the project has been built and it’s time to list it what if the seller wants to keep the property and get paid the income it produces could we add a clause that if they keep the property we stay in as a JV and get 50% of the GOI (gross operating income) owner reasonable for loan pmts?

    If that is an option as well and we don’t want to stay in for residuals could we assign the contract to another investor

  33. Aaron Anderson says:

    Im seeing such potential it is almost intimidating. Im hoping he will bring back the Commercial RE bootcamp

    • Debbie says:

      You’re in luck, Aaron! Ron is conducting Commercial Boot camp this August 3-6 in Jacksonville. You may register by calling 800-567-6128. Tell them Debbie told you to call to get registered! 🙂

  34. Tom Hoan says:

    Very informative. Thanks so much Ron for your generosity

  35. Paul Eller says:

    that sounds exciting

  36. Heath Gephart says:

    Wow! Ron you explain this so well in simple terms. I’ll be on a and land search from now on. One property and a little work can produce life changing income. Thanks for sharing this information. Heath

  37. Pat Tauro says:

    Great stuff thanks Ron!

  38. Bella Chartrand says:

    Wow! I love how you can jam pack so much info in such a short period of time…excited to see what we can learn at one of the 4 day events!

  39. Gonzalo Montesdeoca says:

    Amazing leverage techniques from the grand master of Real Estate!

  40. Joseph M'Mwirichia says:

    OH MY…a mind once expanded can never return to its original form. Land development totally in play now.

  41. David Snider says:

    I appreciate these helpful trainings – Tremendously helpful 🙂

    Gratefully, Dave Snider

  42. Yolanda Wyche says:

    Loved it

  43. Perzina Munroe says:

    This is great stuff too.

  44. Ricardo Walters says:

    My mind is blown!

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