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Home » Resources » Articles And Reports » The Gold Club Weekly Report » “30 Days to Greater Success with Real Estate” by Richard Roop

“30 Days to Greater Success with Real Estate” by Richard Roop

How you think about your ability to create wealth and cash flow through real estate investing has a major impact on your results.  Becoming a millionaire or multi-millionaire is a big stretch for most people.  But, you have the vehicle to do it.

I know you have received or have access to a tremendous amount of tools, information and other resources to help you succeed in real estate investing.  That’s what I call the “outer game.”  But, what makes the difference between two investors with the same “outer game” resources when one is super successful and the other one is struggling?  I think it comes down to the “inner game.”

The “inner game” is how you think about yourself, your business, your goals and the people you come in contact with.  If your attitudes, beliefs and expectations are not in alignment with your goals and desires, then having all the best “outer game” tools, strategies and techniques won’t matter.

How do you change your thinking to better support you?  One technique is affirmations.  An affirmation is a statement you “affirm” to yourself through repetition to mold and transform your dominant thoughts and internal “self-talk.”

Instead of spending a lot of time now teaching you how to create affirmations, let me share a few that I’ve created for myself.  Read through all of them.  Some of them will be easy for you to accept and some, not as easy.  It’s ok if you feel a statement is not true for you.  However, if you would like to make it true for you, then use it.

Instructions:  Read these affirmations right now and then 20 more times over the next thirty days.  Let’s work on the inner game.  I’m confident you’ll experience significant, positive results that will begin manifesting in your daily life….right away.

  1. Empower Others – I have a positive impact on the people I come in contact with.  Anyone I meet is left better off because of our relationship together.  I bring out the greatness in others and inspire them to tap into their fuller potential.  People are doing the best they can with the resources they’ve got.  I help others discover new resources, increase their flexibility, expand their choices and recognize new options.
  2. Manage Your Moments – Everyone has 24 hours in a day.  No one has more time and no one has less time.  Some people are more purposeful and efficient in the use of their time which results in greater accomplishments.  I cherish every moment of the day.  I am clear on my priorities and take consistent, committed action toward my top goals and desires.  When I find a free moment, it is a blessing and I use it wisely.  My time is important.  Each moment I am alive is a gift.  I remember this and use my time wisely.  I let others do things for me so I can accomplish more.  I give up control knowing that the leverage and freedom I get back makes me more powerful and effective.  I live in the now and continually ask myself “is what I’m doing now the highest and best use of my time?”
  3. Unleash Your Potential – There is nothing I cannot accomplish.  Anything is within my reach.  Every problem I confront is an opportunity to grow and improve.  My potential is only limited by my current habits, attitudes, beliefs and expectations.  Day by day, I expand my beliefs and let go of limiting thoughts.  I expect great things so I attract great results.  Others can live ordinary lives and produce ordinary results.  I live an extraordinary life and people are amazed at what I can accomplish with ease.
  4. Use Your History – There is no failure, only feedback.  Challenges are growth opportunities.  Human beings are learning machines.  I use my past experiences as a reference for what to do and what not to do.  By realizing that these events are simply lessons in life, I can instantly release any unsupportive emotions associated with these memories.  I may encounter bumps and potholes on the path of success, but I learn new ways of navigating through these obstacles as I move closer toward my dreams and desires.  The past is just a collection of learning experiences.  I have done a lot of things right.  Those abilities and skills can be tapped into at any given moment.
  5. Crystalize Your Thinking – I know what’s most important to me and I know exactly what I want.  I spend quiet time designing my life and creating my future exactly how I want it.  When opportunities present themselves, I recognize them because I am seeking them out.  Writing down my thoughts and plans empowers me.  I like to think big because whatever I focus on comes into my life.  The accomplishments of others inspire me to seek and do more.
  6. Take Massive Action – I know I’m headed in the right direction.  I am focused on my highest priorities.  I take positive action each day toward my goals.  Success is not a destination, but an exciting journey.  Life to me is satisfying, invigorating and fulfilling.  I have the ability to create the future I desire.  Everyone has fear, but I take action with fear.  When I make a decision I more quickly.  Swift action allows me to achieve uncommon results.  You can only succeed if you never give up.  I am persistent and determined.
  7. Become A Role Model – I live by example.  I inspire those who come into my life.  I attract great people who share my vision.  People who need my help seek me out.  I have fun and people like to be around me.  I get whatever I want by helping a lot of other people get what they want.  I am enthusiastic.  I enjoy what I do and it shows.  My actions are in alignment with a deep sense of purpose.  Keeping my word is one of my highest values.  If I say I will do something, it is done.  This allows me to manifest what I want in my life.  I am thankful for all I have now and all that I will receive in the future.  My sincere appreciation for the people in my life is obvious and clearly reflected in my thoughts, words and actions.
  8. Make It Happen – I am 100% responsible for my results.  That gives me the power to create what I want.  To change my results I try new things.  I repeat what works and fix what doesn’t.  I learn quickly and grow from each experience.  Obstacles are just an indication that I am taking action, providing me the necessary feedback to make adjustments along the way.  Whatever I can conceive and believe, I can achieve.  If it is possible for anyone, it is possible for me.
  9. Be Real – I am grounded in reality and know where I want to go.  I focus on and enlist my strongest assets and then change my thought patterns and behaviors as needed to get what I want most.  The path to my deepest dreams and desires is clearly visible because I know where I am and where I want to go.  I do what is right and I trust my heart.  My intuition allows me to make great decisions.  The people in my life are better off because they met me.  I am honest with myself and others.

10. Model Success – Success leaves clues and I can detect them easily.  My role models inspire me to become great.  I can follow simple steps and easily master basic skills of success and achievement.  I am getting better every day. I learn new things each moment.  My ability to achieve positive results grows with every action I take.  New levels of possibility are revealed each time I achieve one of my goals or outcomes.

FINAL SUGGESTION:  Consider writing down your own affirmations.  You can use any or all of these and perhaps some more of your own.  Handwrite them to more fully integrate them into your being.  You can also create audio recordings in your own voice and review often.

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17 Responses to “30 Days to Greater Success with Real Estate” by Richard Roop

  1. Tom Nelson says:

    Richard, Your 10 affirmations seem to be right on target for my needs

  2. Lauren Anderson says:

    this is so powerful

  3. Todd Smith says:

    YES! Great reminder of the power of affirmations!

  4. Mark Berthiaume says:

    Simple things to do to get big results.

  5. Sharon Collins says:

    To sum it up and easily repeat throught out the day: I am happy, healthy, wealthy and grow in wisdom everyday. Thank you Richard for reminding us the power of affirmations!

  6. Danny Chung says:

    This article should be published. Imagine the world we’d live in if more people thought like this. The only thing I’d add is that I am a beloved child of God. Thank you Rich!

  7. Tom Pratto says:

    mind over matter.

  8. Tim Cook says:

    As always Richard, great stuff. Thanks for all you do for the community.

    Tim Cook
    Weatherford, TX

  9. Eric Murphy says:

    Richard, thanks for reminding me how important affirmations are, i will commit to doing my affirmations again…and !!visualize the positive results. Thanks again

  10. Kim Oceguera says:

    So true. The Bible says, “Life and death are in the power of the tongue.” If we’re not speaking the right things we can kill our present joy and our future dreams. Thanks for the great examples of powerful words to build the future we really desire!

  11. […] By Joe BlinkhornHow to Find Your Passionate Purpose23 Forgiveness Affirmations and Original Quotes“30 Days to Greater Success with Real Estate” by Richard Roop ul.legalfooter li{ list-style:none; float:left; padding-right:20px; } .accept{ display:none; […]

  12. James Noullet says:

    powerful article really needed this one/ thanks

  13. […] or multi-millionaire is a big stretch for most people.  But, you have the vehicle … Read more » ch_client = "zelp64"; ch_width = 468; ch_height = 60; ch_type = "mpu"; ch_sid = […]

  14. Roger Young says:

    Richard knows how to get err done!
    Great article.

  15. Cresencio Mandujano says:

    THE WORDS YOU CHOICE CAN COST YOU . Imagine the world we’d live in if more people thought like Richard,

  16. KJ Roberts says:

    Haven’t been thrilled by ROOP

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