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Home » Resources » Articles And Reports » “The Joy of Text: How to Get Deals With Your Cell Phone” by Tony Pearl

“The Joy of Text: How to Get Deals With Your Cell Phone” by Tony Pearl

Do You Have A Cell Phone?
In this article, you’re going to learn the right way HOW to use that powerful little tool that you already have sitting in your pocket to prospect for deals, quickly prescreen the crap from the cream, and efficiently communicate with the right people the right way, so that you can get more deals done…while having more FUN in the process!  Sound good? Great! Let’s go…

Quick question for you: What has quickly become the MAIN way that most people communicate these days? Sure, you could easily say things like the telephone, email, or even social media, and you’d be correct. But one of the most powerful & personal things that almost everybody does these days is… TEXT messaging!  You might even get a text from someone you know while you’re reading this article right now! But don’t answer it until you’re done reading this first, ok?

SHOCKING Statistic: 98% of Text Messages Are Read Within 2 Minutes!

Here’s The Problem Most People Are Facing

One of the biggest issues we face these days is reaching people who have a house for sale. No one is picking up their phone when you call them anymore! And when you do get someone on the phone, they’re either busy or angry because they think you’re the 12th agent to call them that day to try to convince them to list their house! And if they don’t answer, you have to leave the exact. Same. Message. On their voicemail. Over and over again. zzzzzzzzz…

This is really the first & second reasons why we use VAs – to make contact with people & deal with their crap… so that we don’t have to.

What Most People Are Doing Wrong
The main thing I see most people doing wrong is not taking action in the first place. Having said that, the next thing is that when a lot of new investors do get a seller or buyer prospect on the phone, they beg. They’re unfamiliar with how to talk to these people, many times because they don’t have the skills yet or are just socially shy.

What if there was a way that shyness and awkwardness could be replaced with confidence? What if you could warm up the conversation on the phone by having a conversation before that conversation. How? By Text, of course!

The Right Way to Text: Keep it Real
I’m sure we could have a nice, healthy debate about this subject. But let’s keep things super-simple here. The best way to text someone is to ‘keep it real,’ meaning: Be personal. Remember that you’re a person texting a person. So don’t try acting like you’re some big corporation. And if this is the first text you’re sending someone, just start with the obvious: The reason why you’re texting them in the first place. Finally, take control by asking a really easy question to get them to answer and initiate a conversation.

For example, the BEST & easiest opening text to use when contacting a seller with a house for sale is: “Hi! Is the house you’re selling at [ADDRESS] still available?”

A simple question that will get you a simple answer: Yes or no.  From there, you’ll simply engage them a little bit more so that you can…

Take It To The Next Level
Different people have different preferences on how they like to communicate. Some people ONLY want to use text. Some like email. And others still prefer the phone.  Although you can certainly use text or email to continue communicating, and you might possibly negotiate a deal, there’s no doubt that you’ll HIGHLY increase your chances of success by getting them on the PHONE to have a proper conversation!  So that’s what you’re really aiming for here. With that in mind, I suggest that you try to limit your text volleys to between 3-5 rounds before you look to escalate the conversation by converting it to a phone call. You can use those texts to get their name & gently prescreen them a little bit.

How do you get them on the phone? By asking! Here’s a simple suggestion to text them:

YOU: “This looks good! When you do have 5 minutes to talk on the phone?”
Boom! Done. Simple. You’re welcome. 🙂

One At a Time vs. All At Once
After you’ve done this a few times, you’ll start to gain more confidence and find a rhythm. You’ll start to see what works for you. It’s only a matter of time before you’ll want to scale it up to reach more people, faster. At that point, you’ll need a different platform/solution that can handle this for you faster than your nimble little thumbs can work your phone’s keypad. Sorry, I can’t recommend anything for you here, as the publisher won’t endorse anything. But look it up. You should be able to find something to help you become a great Real Estate Prospector.

Is it worth it to scale up? Oh yeah! Check out this next part…

Other Applications For Texting
Wow, there are so many other possibilities you can use for text message marketing. Here’s just a few for your consideration:

  • Blasting out notifications of new properties you have available to your buyers’ list.
  • Blasting out notifications of new properties to other investors.
  • Blasting out notifications of any specials, promotions, events, etc. to your lists.
  • And SO many more! You’re only limited by your imagination.

And Now, A Word From Your Lawyer…
Before you get all happy & start blasting out those text messages, there are a few legal things you’ll need to consider. Rather than cover them all here, be sure to check your local laws by consulting with your attorney. You’re probably fine to send out those individual texts to people who have advertised that they have a house for sale, but watch out when you really start blasting with volume, ok?

Hint: “Permission-based marketing.”

Ready For Some Homework?
I believe that the best way to learn something is by DOING…by taking some action. Immediately. So here’s your assignment: Go get 5-10 leads together of people who are looking to sell their house. Doesn’t much matter from where you get them. You can start with Craigslist if you like. You’re looking for houses that are in your target area, that match up with your price point, etc. Naturally, you’ll need phone numbers and addresses.

After you get that together, send out the simple text I mentioned earlier. You know, the one about asking if the house is still available? When they text you back that it is, which they will, quickly, just ask them a couple more questions before trying to get them on the phone for a quick conversation.

Due to the fact that it’s not going to be a ‘cold call’ anymore, you should automatically feel more confident when you talk to them! From there, simply fill out your Lead/Property Information Sheet as usual.

Couple quick notes: If your VA doesn’t text your leads for you, and they’ve already tried to reach them but failed, this is exactly what you need to do now. If you don’t have a VA yet, this will help get you started, quickly and extremely efficiently.

Wrapping This Up…
Now you know some powerful secrets on how to really prospect for sellers more efficiently and effectively, starting today, using a powerful tool you already have in your pocket to send text messages. I’m sure you can also see how to easily apply these ideas to other things to help maximize your efficiency and increase your profitability.  Finally, you were given an assignment on exactly what to do to get started!

The rest, as they say, is entirely up to YOU.

Oh, you can go ahead and answer those text messages you received while you were reading this now.  😉

Until Next Time,

Tony Pearl

P.S. How did you like the Title of this article? 😉

This entry was posted in Articles And Reports, The Gold Club Weekly Report. Bookmark the permalink.

14 Responses to “The Joy of Text: How to Get Deals With Your Cell Phone” by Tony Pearl

  1. Mark Morgan says:

    Love the title, and I love the copy.
    Its given me new insight on contacting prospects

  2. Matt Burton says:

    Great clever title 😉 I’ve actually used texting to quite effectively by simply asking two questions- is it still available and would you consider any seller financing or a lease purchase? Why not just cut straight to the point? Either they’re open to something outside the norm or they’re not. And if it’s a maybe, you get on the phone. Im sure there’s an argument to be made for dating a little before popping the big questions but I’ve found if people are truly motivated, they’ll be open to talking about what you’re thinking.

  3. Mike Van Pietersom says:

    Tony… Could you let me know what your actual follow up texts have been? Do you introduce terms right away like one of the earlier posters have done, or do you have other methods that have worked for you? Samples would be great! Thanks, and have a great day!

  4. Sophia Grigio says:

    Tony Pearl, not only has great titles but great content. Thanks Tony for sharing, your a blessing!

  5. Ken Sims Sims says:

    I was just getting ready to use texting. This article has helped me understand more about it. Thanks

  6. Barquett Lee says:

    I just tried this tip on 6 FSOB 4 reply back and would like for me to see their property. Haven’t just cut to the chase yet by asking if they open to lease option or seller financing. Isn’t that kinda of pushy? Idk

    • Terry Blease says:

      This is a late response, but why would you go see the property if they aren’t interested in TERMS? I believe that would be a waste of time.

  7. Deslene Jeffers-Dowdy says:

    Very beneficial information, Tony. Thank you so much.


  8. Klaus Feige says:

    Thanks Tony, I am looking to start texting as a way to contact all the LMCB’s that I have. this help’s a bit. I will have to test what works.

  9. Mason Torres says:

    Thank you

  10. Bob Beavin says:

    Awesome advice Tony! I will be implementing this asap!

  11. Carmen Carter says:

    Great advice, it is working 1st time I texted it came back in less than a minute.

  12. Wayne Ireland says:

    Great idea, will implement now!!

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