Hi Julie,
I have attached two deals that were done by Eagle VAs, and one was yours. We actually were supposed to receive around $24K in the deal, but once my seller saw how much we were going to make she absolutely lost it and was close to canceling the deal all together. She agreed to give us $8K (same as the buyer’s agents commission) since we got her house sold within two weeks.
The second deal we split the $15K option deposit with the buyer’s agent upfront and then are going to receive an additional $2K once the buyer is able to purchase the property, which should be any month now.
-Marty and Scott Higgins
I wondered what the sellers were saying when they found out what we were making. I would think this happened more times than not.
hi Lewis, yes, but instead of assignment wouldn’t you do back to back closing to keep it private?
Is there more information on the Eagle VA’s on this site ?
I am a new participant in Gold Club, and have been studying broadly and reading multiple books… Ron’s books are the best I have found, but I should mention that in this case, you can have your attorney do the closing and you don’t even need to be there? This is what I have seen in my studies.. I plan to have some success stories to share of my own soon – Ron answered one of my biggest concerns in a video shared by email this week regarding contract agreements, so now I feel charged and ready to close deals!
this is a solid story