In this article, we’re going to address something that holds a LOT of people back from having the success they desire & deserve. I’ll tell you what that is in a moment, but first, let me ask you a question…
Have you ever been on a date? I’m sure you have.
Now let me ask you this: Did you or your date propose on any first date you ever went on? I’m sure you haven’t done that or know anyone who has (except in very rare instances).
No, chances are that you first got to know the other person, felt them out a bit, let them get to know you, and then determined the correct course of action to take. I’ll let your imagination wander just a little bit on that one.
In other words, you probably took it a little bit at a time (unless you were at a bar). Guess what? Business works the exact same way! Doing a real estate deal works the same way!
Here’s the problem: A lot of the students I’ve coached come to me with some crazy beliefs, like ‘the only way they can do a deal with a seller is if the seller says “Yes” to one of the major questions on their Property Information Sheets.’ Or the new investor believes that the seller’s asking price is their final price. Or that it’s not even worth it to talk to the seller because ‘they probably wouldn’t want to sell with terms.’
These new investor students must have magic psychic abilities, because they seem to be able to tell all these things about a seller – get this – without ever even personally talking with them! Isn’t that amazing?! You can only guess what happens as a result of forming such an opinion: Nothing. No phone call. No offer made. No deal done. No money made. It’s sad.
On the rare occasions that the calls are made, the effort is so weak because the belief has already been declared in their own mind, so the results are typically consistent with their pre-determined beliefs. And they get shot down.
Now, I’m not saying that every seller you talk to is going to want to sell you their house on terms or sell at a big discount. They might actually have a legitimate need to get their cash out right away. They might not be a good fit for whatever reason.
On the other hand, maybe they ARE a good fit for what we can do for them! But the only way we’re really going to discover that is to actually have a proper conversation together. To present them with some proper facts & options.
To engage them at the right level so that they’re aware of what else is possible… rather than assume that there are no deals out there or that no one would want to sell their house or do business this way.
Another way of putting it: You’ve got to take Baby Steps to Have Success!
The fact is that MOST sellers you talk to believe there’s only 2 ways of selling their house: Through the services of a real estate agent, or on their own (FSBO).
In addition to that, most sellers believe that they have to get paid off all at once, either with all cash or by the buyer going to the bank to get a loan.
Most buyers you talk to believe that the only way to buy a house is to go to the bank & get a loan, and they believe they probably won’t qualify anyway.
Most private lenders probably believe that the only way to invest their money is in a typical investment like stocks, bonds, CDs, mutual funds, precious metals, etc.
So when we come to these people and let them know that there are other ways of selling, buying, or investing, their pre-programmed brains go into ‘confusion mode.’ And we all know that a confused mind says “No!” So the way to keep things moving forward with most of these people is in small increments… One baby step at a time.
The same thing that can be said for dealing with sellers or buyers can also be said for private lenders or most “professionals” we deal with in this, or any other business, for that matter.
The “Secret Sauce” to Mastering Better Results
So, what’s the ‘Secret Sauce’ to break through most people’s limiting beliefs when it comes to doing business together? How do we help them to understand that there is, essentially, more than “one way to skin a cat,” as the old expression goes (who came up with that, anyway? PETA wants to have it removed from our language lol).
I believe that it all comes down to: Asking them the right QUESTIONS! Doesn’t that make sense? Give a little information, then ask a confirming question to gauge comprehension and/or interest. For example, if we ask a potential tenant buyer a question like, “What if there was a way that a portion of the amount you spend every month on your rent went towards the purchase of your house. Would that be of interest to you?”
Can you see how that works? You’re not TELLING them something, because telling is pushing. And, in psychological parlance, when you PUSH, you’re potentially challenging someone else’s beliefs, and you may get resistance. But when you ASK QUESTIONS, you’re PULLING, so you’re inviting that person to engage with you. You’re asking them to think and reply. Therefore, you’ll get a much better result. Don’t believe me? Why not try it out for yourself and see?
Finally, A Better Way…
Listen, I know firsthand that picking up the phone and cold-calling someone you don’t know can be intimidating & scary. We’re all afraid of rejection, possibly embarrassing ourselves, or looking bad. Many of my students have been there. I’ve been there. It’s only natural to feel this way.
But everything we want out of life is on the other side of our comfort zone. Yes, I said that in a previous article, and stand by what I said. We know that these calls need to be made. We know we’ve got to talk to strangers to get things done.
So what if there was a better way? What if it was easier? What if you didn’t see the act of talking to a stranger as risking rejection, getting yelled at, or looking stupid or something? What if you saw the act of picking up the phone or shaking someone’s hand as a way of possibly making a new friend?
What if you suddenly realized that all you needed to do is ask that other person a few questions to see if you’re a good fit for each other? What if you knew that this was all it took to add value to your life and the lives of all those around you? What if THIS was the magic belief & skill you needed to master so that you could get out of debt, quit your job, and provide true financial freedom for yourself & your family?
What would you do then? Would you act on it? Or just continue to do what you’ve been doing…and how is that working out for you?
To Wrap This Up: The thing that holds a lot of people back from the success they desire & deserve is: You don’t have to know everything before you begin. You don’t have to accomplish everything in one step. You don’t have to have all the lights on the road be green before you begin your trip. In other words…
“The Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins With a Single Step” -Lao Tzu
When you were a baby, you took your first step. Then another, and another. You fell down a few times along the way, shed a few tears, then got back up and started walking again. But make no mistake: Those first little Baby Steps eventually led you to where you are now: Walking all over the place!
What’s the first baby step YOU need to take to get you where you want to be?
And when would NOW be a good time to start?
Until Next Time,
Tony Pearl
Copyright 2017 Tony Pearl | All Rights Reserved
Thanks Tony. Great insight
Well said Tony, I an on my journey one step at a time thanks to Ron & Family
Thanks Tony! I needed to hear that point of view on getting started!
Thanks Tony for the kick.
Great article thanks Tony
Tony, excellent (recycled) article!
We just need more specifics.
I heard you convert a No to a Yes, wish I had a recording of it.
Thanks Tony, great article.