Ron and his friend, Paul Ritter, an expert in credit repair, expose some myths about credit scores and discuss ways to help get your buyers’ credit where it needs to be.
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Ron and his friend, Paul Ritter, an expert in credit repair, expose some myths about credit scores and discuss ways to help get your buyers’ credit where it needs to be.
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Great great great info
Spectacular info!
It’s nice he teaches us about this stuff.
Great audio clip! I learned so much from it.
utilize this info folks it works . i am using a different system but the same principle
Having a good credit score is so important.
Good lesson thanks Ron
Great interview, thanks.
Nice principles. Good info
thank you RON
Keep tenants locked up with bad credit
Interesting topic on credit. Good application to help your buyers clean up their credit. Thanks.
Having a good credit score is so important nowadays.
Thanks Ron.
interesting article
These are principles that can be very helpful for tenant-buyers. Since I want to cash out on my first rehab with tenants who need to fix their credit, this information is great!
first class
this content is unreal. I’ve seen the light. Thanks Ron.
ExSELLent, Helping your TB’s repair their credit putting more in your pocket………and at the same time helping them get in control of their lives………
Is this outdate, I can not find the website given on call
I searched the phone number given and its the same guy because he has Ron’s call along with others on the site.
The timing on this is unbelievable. I was just about to hire a credit repair company to ‘handle all my credit card bills’. I’m definitely better off just paying them off myself…who knew they’d mess your credit up worse!? Also, the fact that the credit card companies give you a 1099 for the difference of the amount you owed and the discounted pay off amount makes it not worth asking for…I’ll just pay the whole thing off and keep my credit in better shape.
Bella: Myth 1 – Credit repair handles all your credit card bills. Consumer credit counseling helps to pay off bills resulting in lowering of score and possibly a 1099. Credit repair is the removal in inaccurate negative information which results in score improvement. Myth 2 paying off your bills will result in better credit. It depends… with open active credit card accounts yes it does, with recent collections no effect, with old collections no it doesn’t, it will lower your score. Call us for a free analysis of your report. Paul Ritter 866 204-1022.
I thank Ron for having you and being quite direct. Mr. Ritter, It is not ok to have maybe 4 or 5 credit cards? If I can keep my payments timely, under the 10% balance ratio, can it still be a plus? Thank you, Mr. Ritter, I did take some notes.
This is very good information. I am in the process of snowballing my credit to increase my credit score, so this was good information. I will also keep this in mind to refer people.
This is some great info.
Nothing against Paul and his service. But I use a free service to help my tenant buyers repair their credit and I used it to repair my own credit.
I also posted about it in more detail in the GC Forum.
Thank you Paul. You have given me renewed hope. As always thank you Ron Legrand
Hello Ron and Paul,
Thank you for the video on credit and credit scores. Although I already have good credit, I still learned a few things I didn’t know before. Yes, good credit is wise to have and keep. Especially if you plant to do RE investing like I do for a long time.
Bye for now,
Credit repair will take time, but it is worth it because then you have good credit wherever you go.