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Home » Resources » Articles And Reports » “Turn Quitting Habits into Winning Habits ” by MaryEllen Tribby

“Turn Quitting Habits into Winning Habits ” by MaryEllen Tribby

“If you quit ONCE it becomes a habit. Never quit!!!” ~ Michael Jordan

When you joined Working Moms Only, you may not have realized it, but you entered the special part of the universe I call, “The No Excuse Zone!”

The No Excuse Zone!

Today’s issue will surely ruffle some feathers, but hopefully you will dig deep inside and realize that today is the day that the habit of quitting is dead.

You see, most people quit what they start. It’s a fact, a hard cold one that 75% of people quit the new projects they start. Think about how many projects, tasks, hobbies have you started and quit?

Now before we continue, let’s be very clear. I am talking about quitting before knowing the outcome. I am not speaking about entrepreneurs who have a project that fails and they move on. That’s actually a good thing.

I am talking about things that would enhance our lives. Things that if we actually followed trough on would improve our finances, our health, our relationships, and our happiness. Things like:

  • Starting your own business
  • Exercising
  • Eating healthy
  • Gardening
  • Looked for a new job
  • Stop smoking
  • Train for a marathon
  • Journaling
  • Mediation
  • Scrapbooking
  • Writing (books, poems, short stories . . .)
  • Painting
  • Setting up a website
  • Writing a business plan
  • Helping your kids with homework
  • Keeping in touch with friends

This list could go on and on.

Sure many of these things would be challenging. But they would also be fun and stimulating. They would help us bond with business partners, spouse, kids and friends. They would provide inner peace and eliminate many sleepless nights.

The Harm of Quitting

Quitting can become so automatic that you do not even realize you do it anymore. Did you know that it is actually dangerous to have a quitting habit?

Yup, every time you quit you potentially:

  • Damage your self esteem
  • Set a bad example for your children
  • Ruin business deals
  • Destroy friendships
  • Impair your health

What Makes Us Quit?

So why do we do we let quitting win over our happiness? There are many reasons, but the main ones are:

  • Lack  of confidence: Some people are inclined to reach out for help as soon as they’re faced with a challenge. The problem is, the more dependent you are on others, the less dependent you are on yourself.
  • Afraid of the outcome: Some people are anxious that after working on something for a while, their results will not match their expectations. But here’s the thing – in most cases they will. It may take longer than expected but you have to keep trying and trying honestly to make it happen.
  • They think they don’t have enough time: We all have the same 24 hours in a day. Time is not the problem. You need to use time wisely.
  • They think they don’t have enough money: With any new project you have got to be resourceful. If you want to start exercising you do not have to join an expensive new gym. Start walking or go on You Tube for the perfect exercise to do in your home. Where there is a will, there is a way!
  • Lack of desire: Some people would rather just complain than put in the effort.

Kicking Quitting to the Curb!

If you have recognized yourself in any of the above, don’t worry. That’s right. There is good news. You can break this quitting habit and you can start today with these super effective yet easy steps:

  • Post your intentions in a public place. If you want to lose weight or write a book, post that somewhere your entire family can see. Seek their support. You will find that they are happy for you and their excitement will help drive you.
  • Break BIG challenges into bite-size pieces. They won’t seem as overwhelming and you can focus your energies rather than getting spread too thin.
  • Rather than setting a long-term goal for yourself, create ambitious yet achievable, short-term milestones. These quick short-term wins will keep you motivated.
  • Track and share your progress. This will help you plan future projects because you know you can do it!
  • Remove distractions. Get rid of the “time drainers”. Don’t sign on to Facebook or the Internet at all. Set yourself up for success.
  • Get an accountability partner. People who have accountability partners are 65% more successful. This person will be there when you feel like quitting and help you through those times.
  • Believe in yourself. The fact that you are part of the Working Moms Only community tells me you are the kind of person who wants to do great things. That you are the kind of person who wants a better life. I believe in you, now it is time to believe in yourself!

These are all the steps I took almost seven years ago when I launched Working Moms Only. Sure I had nights that I cried and thought, Why did I start this? But I remembered why. I thought about you and all the working moms who would benefit from my help. I thought about all the kids who would benefit from a healthier, wealthier, happier mom.

And now here we are on our 716th issue. I am proud to say that we have NEVER missed an issue. We never quit!

At the end of the day you just have to go for it. You will make mistakes and you may have set backs. But if you take the advice above and commit to the outcome, your next project, task or hobby is sure to be a great experience.

I know that bringing you Working Moms Only for the 716th time is one of the best experiences of my life!

So much so I want to give you my road map for making Working Moms Only.com a reality.

You are among the first to receive my new special report “The Secrets to Living The Laptop Lifestyle”.

You can download it right here:
or the pretty version –

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