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Home » Resources » Articles And Reports » “What’s Your Focus On?” by Francis Ablola

“What’s Your Focus On?” by Francis Ablola

I focus on what matters most… Not just in business, but in life.

If the subject of this book is “The Less I do, The More I Make,” then I’ll add, “the less I do, the more I have the freedom to do what I love and spend time with those that matter most.”

I’ve been running a successful consulting business as well as being involved in several other businesses for the last 8 years. I was fortunate that financial success came easily in this version of my business life. (Past attempts ended in failure… But that’s another story)

Within the first 8 months of going it on my own, I broke the 6 figure ceiling and haven’t looked back. However, it came at a cost; long hours, stress, frustration, cash flow concerns… and everything else that comes with running a fast growing business.

The moment that changed was several months after my first daughter was born. I worked from home, but that’s all I did. Work.

It was my life. No real vacations, no down time, no life other than facing the computer screen or attached to a phone talking with clients.

Several months later, when I picked up my daughter, it felt like she didn’t even know who I was. And even though I was working from home, it felt like I was never there.

That’s when I realized I needed help; to delegate, and build teams and partnerships that helped me not only fuel my business growth, but more importantly, gave me the freedom.

The first move was to create a focus map. Where was I spending the bulk of my time? Was I the best at this? What could be delegated, outsourced, or eliminated?

Next was finding and fostering talent to help. The right people make a huge difference. Also, a big help was finding partners to pick up in areas I wasn’t as strong in.

Create the vision, and leverage other people’s time & talents.

Today I like to joke that I spend more time at Disney World than I do at the office. My focus is on raising my family and being present. My business keeps going when I don’t through the team I’ve developed. While I’m not 100% out of my business, much of what I do is delegated to the right people.

Not only does this allow me to be more creative, have more energy, and fun working, but allows me to focus on what matters most in work and life.

(If you’d like to learn how you can delegate the minutia in your life so you can focus on the things that matter most, and spend your time doing important tasks, you won’t want to miss The Great American Real Estate Summit 2016. Come learn the secrets that Francis and thousands of others have learned that have led them to truly live the mantra, “The Less I do, the More I Make.) Register today!

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One Response to “What’s Your Focus On?” by Francis Ablola

  1. Lance Sligar says:

    As a complete newby after living 72 yrs, I may be growing as never before in taking responsibility for the air I breathe. This article is part of that and is one of those AHA moments. Thank God I found Ron’s Gold Club and Francis Ablola’s contribution. It truly is a blessing and matures my thinking. I’m grateful.

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