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Home » Training » #2b Overview of the Property Pipeline in DREAMS

#2b Overview of the Property Pipeline in DREAMS

If you are signed up for either of the Elite membership levels, you have access to the Property Pipeline. This video will show you how to navigate through this amazing tool.

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8 Responses to #2b Overview of the Property Pipeline in DREAMS

  1. Anders Karlsson says:

    Great job Pam.

  2. Emeline Faaumu-Niutei says:

    Awesome training Pam!

  3. Fj Jalil says:

    That’s a great system! SO useful for all sorts of property investments!

  4. Michael Lamothe says:

    Dreams is so well organized. It really is an all in one solutions. I really like how easy it is to add a property and export properties.

  5. Michael Lamothe says:

    Super simple to see all the properties you are tracking. This is a legit CRM and truly does a ton of different things

  6. Ms. Lavaughneyia James says:

    Oh my, once I get my DREAMS account, this seems to be awesome for managing everything! This is absolutely priceless. Ron, I love that brain of yours 🙂

  7. Patrick Mulloney says:

    If we are not signed up for either of the Elite membership levels, can we send properties to the Property Pipeline (PP)?
    is PP totally off limits to members not signed up for either of the Elite membership levels?

  8. Rita Finch El says:

    Great information Pam.


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