In Lesson 5 of the Business Management Training series, Ron shows you his simple system of keeping organized and how he avoids time wasters.
In Lesson 5 of the Business Management Training series, Ron shows you his simple system of keeping organized and how he avoids time wasters.
Good info. Sometimes all we need is simply to be reminded of what we already know.
Love the FART system
That was helpful information
After two years of keep my phone on mute, I have learned that it is okay not to answer my phone every time it rings. I and my callers have survived with call backs.
I am struggling with keeping my focus on important things and need to find a solution or hire VAs for day to day stuff.
Ron great systems for managing paper flow, phone calls, email and projects. Thanks for sharing.
This is my real weakness! I love “squirrels.” Maintaining focus is what will get me to the next level.
good stuff Ron
Thanks for the fart analogy. File act reroute trash.
Great info Ron. I’m looking forward to your Business Management seminar.
This is a great lesson in office and time management. Thank you, Ron
I’m going to clean my desk this week with FART and start immediately.
I also have a bad habit with my cell phone. I will have to implement this as well.
Great info!!!
Two takeaways.
One… there is no law that requires you to answer your phone.
Two… turn the notification sound off on your phone, for email/text/Facebook.
Ron this upcoming summit are you going to record it for us or can we record what your teaching us to make sure we have what your teaching us??
Sadly, there is very little of real, real world value taught in guvment schools. There is an agenda there and it is NOT to make the best, most productive individuals on the planet.
Having a system is better than no system at all. I like seeing how you do things Ron. Every thing is very helpful. Even the little things.
Thanks so much!
Good reminders! More organization is always a good thing – if you can do it in 2 mins, do it now – don’t procrastinate
Great and helpful information.
Thank you Ron.
I am starting my Master Program in California January 1st 2019.
Simple plan for organization. 4 things, that’s it! Awesome. Thanks!
Man that’s an eye opener.
This is really good stuff and a great lesson to start a new year time suck with notifications and interruptions are a big problem. If you let them be a problem they will run your business for you. I’ve already been self-employed for over 2 decade in this is a very handy lesson
Bottom line I’m not yet, the best at origanizing and systemization but I can I will and i must conquer and master this too!
Cool fun gadgets on the desk
I vow to F.A.R.T. On every document that comes my way ..
Brian Tracy teaches to only touch paper once
It’s good to know how to F.A.R.T. on my paperwork! HAHA!
T hanks for your great
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T ish is
T HE key to your success!
F ile
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Love It!!!
Hey Ron , I love the fact that you use a common sense approach in almost everything you teach on. The new style business Admin makes a job out of Managing a business and it is so anti productive. People get so busy trying to stay organize that they don’t have time to be Thanks for the lesson on staying focused!
So very much needed. Thanks
Power Naps during the day are so helpful, but only around 25 minutes max.
as always, great video Ron. Thanks1
Learned a great deal how Ron set boundaries regarding his time allocation, while be proactive versus reactive.
That was very useful information from start to finish.
I love the F.A.R.T System. LOL
Simple points that make good sense. And it is not like I have not heard it before. Have 2 Fun Funnies for encouragement and stress release. And seating for some short Staff meetings. And a Couch for 15- 30 minuter Naps- Amen!!!
I know the phone can take up some time. I Love it. Of course the ‘FART’ System. LOL
What a complete overview! Thanks for showing us tangible examples on how you do it! I did get nuggets that I will be applying to my office process!
Taming the paper tiger. Excellent tips Ron.
I use color coded folders, label maker, daily TO DO lists, and a daily journal of notes of the day’s events. But, I still struggle with a calendar system that is idiot proof. Any help is appreciated regarding planners and calendars.
Review this video often to ask ourselves: are we living up to Ron’s standards of organization? How can we be effective if we’re not? An assistant would sure help me be better organized. When will we know when it’s time to hire an assistant and learn to delegate like Ron does?